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AB "Naujoji Ringuva" - Top įmonė 2020

Džiaugiamės ir didžiuojamės gavę verslo stabilumo įvertinimą iš Portalo Šiuo apdovanojimu pažymima, jog AB „Naujoji Ringuva“ plėtoja skaidrų verslą, puoselėja įmonės finansinę reputaciją, konkurencingumą, atsakomybę ir pagarbą savo verslo aplinkai.

NEW! SMILĖ linden flower and lily toilet soaps

Discover the summer with new SMILE toilet soaps!

New Ecological products for dishwashers

NAUJOJI RINGUVA AB released new Ecological products for dishwashers.

NAUJOJI RINGUVA AB received ISO 14001:2015 environmental certification

For ensuring environmentally-friendly manufacturing process NAUJOJI RINGUVA AB received ISO 14001:2015 environmental certification!

BALANCE liquid detergent for coloured textiles is awarded a gold medal

In the Lithuanian Product of the Year 2013 competition, a NAUJOJI RINGUVA product – Balance liquid detergent for coloured textiles marked with the EU Ecolabel for organic products – was recognised by a panel of judges and awarded a gold medal!

Cleanliness products from the BALANCE range are granted EU ecological labels

An environmental protection agency meticulously and independently assessed whether BALANCE washing-up liquid and BALANCE liquid detergent for coloured textiles met ecological requirements and awarded the products with the EU Ecolabel on 23 August 2013.

The sales turnover experienced a 32.6 percent growth

The sales turnover of the joint stock company NAUJOJI RINGUVA AB, one of the largest manufacturers of hygiene and cleaning products in Lithuania, experienced a 32.6 percent growth over the first quarter of 2013 as compared to the same period of the previous year.

NAUJOJI RINGUVA AB is launching the project ‘Bacteria Tamers’

The project aims at promoting personal hygiene among kindergarten children and at developing proper hand-washing skills. We believe that the knowledge passed through interesting games and activities will stay in the children’s memory for a long time.

Stain remover RINGUVA X with a brush was awarded a gold medal

The product of NAUJOJI RINGUVA AB, a concentrated stain remover RINGUVA X with a brush, received recognition from the jury panel and was awarded a gold medal at the contest ‘Lithuanian Product of the Year 2012’ held by the Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists!
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