Grease and oil stains |
- Salt, starch, powdered chalk. Pour fine salt, starch or powdered chalk on the stain. Leave for 2-4 hours for the stain to be absorbed. Then, shake off the salt, starch or powdered chalk. Repeat if necessary. Wash the fabric as per instruction label.
- Alcohol. Put blotting-paper on the stain and clean from the inside using a piece of cotton-wool moistened with alcohol. Wash the fabric as per instruction label.
- Glycerin. Apply warmed glycerin to the stain. Wait, and then wash in soapy water. Wash the fabric as per instruction label.
- Ammonia solution. Use one tablespoon of ammonia to one litre of water. Clean the stain from the inside, from the edge towards the centre. Wait, and then wash the fabric as per instruction label.
- Ammonia, glycerin and water solution – for silk. Immerse the stain in the solution for 5 - 10 minutes: half a tablespoon of ammonia, one tablespoon of glycerin and one tablespoon of water. Wash the soaked fabric as per instruction label.
- Petrol. Lay the stained area on a white cotton cloth. Clean the stain from the inside, from the edge towards the centre, using a piece of cotton-wool moistened with petrol. Then, cover the stain with blotting-paper and iron with a hot iron. Wash the fabric as per instruction label.
Paint stains |
- Cold water. For emulsion paint and if the stain is still wet, it can be washed out in cold water. Wash the fabric as per instruction label.
- Paint solvent. If the stain is dried, clean with paint solvent, soak and wash as per instruction label.
Sweat stains |
- Acetic acid. Moisten a piece of cotton-wool with dilute acetic acid, and dab the stain. Wash the fabric as per instruction label.
- Saline solution. Clean stains from knitted wool clothing with a strong saline solution. Dissolve the salt in water and clean the stain using a piece of cotton-wool. Wash the fabric as per instruction label.]
- Wine vinegar. Clean stains from cotton clothing with wine vinegar – moisten a piece of cotton-wool with wine vinegar and dab the stain. Wash the fabric as per instruction label.
Wax, candle stains |
- Plastic bag and freezer. Place the item into a plastic bag and put it in the freezer for several hours. When removed from the freezer, the wax should come off. Wash the fabric as per instruction label.
- Paper and hot iron. Try to scrape the wax off very carefully (do not scrape hard or you will damage the fabric). Put the fabric between sheets of blotting-paper and iron with a hot iron. The heat will pull the wax out. If a small stain is left, clean as a grease stain. Wash the fabric as per instruction label.
Fruit and berry stains |
- Lemon juice, boiling milk or salt. Clean the stain with lemon juice or boiling milk: place blotting-paper on the stain and clean from the inside with a piece of cotton-wool moistened with lemon juice or boiling milk. You can also pour salt on the stain wait and then shake it off. Repeat if necessary. Wash the fabric as per instruction label.
- Sour milk or milk. Clean the stain with sour milk or milk – place blotting-paper on the stain and clean from the inside with sour milk or milk. Wash the fabric as per instruction label.
- Alcohol. Clean the stain with alcohol: place blotting-paper on the stain and clean from the inside with alcohol. Wash the fabric as per instruction label.
- Glycerin. Soak the stain in a 50:50 glycerin and warm water solution). After a few hours, wash the fabric as per instruction label.
- Ammonia. Soak the stain in a 50:50 ammonia and warm water solution. After a few hours, wash the fabric as per instruction label.
Tomato sauce stains |
- Water and glycerin solution. Soak the stain in a glycerin and warm water solution (equal proportions). After a few hours, wash the fabric in warm water using a laundry detergent. If, after washing, the stain is still visible, place blotting-paper on the stain and dab from the inside with petrol. Wash the fabric as per instruction label.
Ice-cream stains |
- Neutral soap solution. Clean the stain with a neutral soap solution: place blotting-paper on the stain and clean from the inside with a neutral soap solution. Wash the fabric as per instruction label.
- Borax solution. Soak an old stain in borax solution (one teaspoon of borax to one litre of water). After a few hours, wash the fabric as per instruction label.
Chewing gum |
- Freezer. Cool the gum – cover with ice cubes and place the item in the freezer. After a few hours, take it out and try to remove the chewing gum. Wash the fabric as per instruction label.
- Alcohol or petrol. If chewing gum cannot be removed, clean with alcohol or petrol: place blotting-paper it and gently clean from the inside with alcohol or petrol. Wash the fabric as per instruction label.
Coffee, cocoa, tea stains |
- Hydrogen peroxide solution. Wash using a laundry detergent with bleaching agent in the hottest water allowed by the instruction label. If the stain is not removed, clean white fabric with a 20% hydrogen peroxide solution (9 parts water, 1 part peroxide): place blotting-paper on the stain and clean using a 20% hydrogen peroxide solution. Wash the fabric as per instruction label.
- Salt. Soak the stain in very salty water. Leave for a few hours and then wash the fabric as per instruction label.
Curry stains |
- Glycerin. A curry stain must be cleaned immediately. Clean the stain by dripping glycerin on it. Leave for a few hours. Wash the fabric as per instruction label.
Wine stains |
- Salt. Pour salt over the stain and leave for 20 minutes. Wash the fabric as per instruction label.
- Sour milk, milk or lemon juice. Clean the stain with sour milk, milk or lemon juice – place blotting-paper on the stain and clean from the inside with sour milk, milk or lemon juice. Wash the fabric as per instruction label.
Liqueur stains |
- Hydrogen peroxide. Clean the stain with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution – place blotting-paper on the stain and clean from the inside with 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. Wash the fabric as per instruction label.
Cognac, brandy, whisky stains |
- Alcohol. Clean the stain with diluted alcohol heated with steam: place blotting-paper on the stain and clean from the inside with diluted alcohol heated with steam. Wash the fabric as per instruction label.
Beer stains |
- Wine vinegar. Clean the stain with a wine vinegar and water solution - place blotting-paper on the stain and clean from the inside with a wine vinegar and water solution. Soak and wash in warm water using a laundry detergent with bleaching agents as per instruction label.
Milk stains |
- Glycerin. Apply warmed glycerin to the stain. Wait, and then wash with soapy water. Wash the fabric as per instruction label.
Egg stains |
- Glycerin or glycerin and spirits of ammonia mix. Clean the stain with glycerin or a 50:50 mixture of glycerin and spirits of ammonia: place blotting-paper on the stain and clean from the inside with glycerin or a glycerin and spirits of ammonia mixture. Wash the fabric as per instruction label.
Lipstick stains |
- Petrol, alcohol or acetone. Clean the stain with petrol, alcohol or acetone - place blotting-paper on the stain and clean from the inside with petrol, alcohol or acetone replacing the blotting-paper frequently. Wash the fabric as per instruction label.
- Unskimmed milk. Soak the stain in unskimmed milk until the lipstick stain is drawn out. Then pour washing-up liquid on the stain and leave for 4 - 6 hours. Wash the fabric as per instruction label.
Cosmetic products stains (eye shadow, powder, mascara) |
- Washing-up liquid, alcohol or petrol. Pour washing-up liquid on the stain and leave for 4 - 6 hours. Wash the fabric as per instruction label. If the stain was not removed, clean it with alcohol or petrol: place blotting-paper on the stain and clean from the inside with alcohol or petrol. Wash the fabric as per instruction label.
Nail polish stains |
- Nail polish remover. Moisten the stain with nail polish remover and soak in soapy water. Wash the fabric as per instruction label. Warning! Not all fabrics may be treated with nail polish remover. Nail polish remover cannot be used for cleaning acetate and triacetate fabrics.
Hairspray stains |
- Alcohol or vodka. Clean the stain with alcohol or vodka - place blotting-paper on the stain and clean from the inside with alcohol or vodka. Wash the fabric as per instruction label. Warning! Take care with coloured fabrics, especially red.
Perfume stains |
- Alcohol, white vinegar. Clean the stain with water and alcohol (50:50). Wash the fabric as per instruction label. If the colour has faded due to perfume, clean the stain with white vinegar and water solution (1:4). Wait, and then wash the fabric as per instruction label.
Deodorant and antiperspirant stains |
- White vinegar. Clean the stain with white vinegar and water solution (1:4). Rinse well and wash the fabric as per instruction label.
- Baking powder. Pour baking powder on the stain moistened with cold water and rub lightly. Leave overnight. Wash the fabric as per instruction label.